Hire Global Tech Talent

Get your job posting seen by global tech & IT professionals in Japan

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software engineers working on project

International Tech Talent

When you post your job with Hub, you will be quickly noticed by tech & IT professionals in Japan and overseas, from software engineers to designers, and more. Posting is 100% free until you successfully hire.

software engineers working on project and program

Personalized Company Page

Let potential applicants know about the perks and culture of your company so they will feel confident applying. Candidates can find all your open jobs in one place, so you will get more eyes on your job postings. We offer bilingual support so you will have no problem reaching the English speaking tech community in Japan.

Client Example

We Are Tech Recruiting Experts

You will get the benefit of our extensive experience in the tech recruiting industry. You can rest assured that we will use our knowledge and understanding of recruitment and tech to bring you the ideal candidates for all your job postings.

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Cropped view of recruiters showing photos

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How many jobs can I post on Hub?

You can post as many jobs as you like! Remember that posting jobs on Hub is 100% free until you find your candidate and successfully hire them. There is no additional charge for posting more than one job, and you will only be charged after you hire.

2. Is there bilingual support?

Yes! You can post your job in both English and Japanese in order to reach the largest number of candidates. Our service is geared toward English speakers and international tech professionals in Japan but we realize that many jobs require skills in both languages.

3. What kind of jobs can I post on Hub?

Hub is a service for interntional IT & tech professionals in Japan. Jobs that qualify for posting on Hub are related to these industries and should focus on some aspect of software development wheter it be engineering or design related.

4. How much experience do candidates have?

Most of our candidates have anywhere from 3 - 5 years of experience, but there are also alot of more junior and more senior candidates too!